Thank you!!! + Update Patch Notes

Thank you for 18K+ plays / downloads!


^^ pixel cat gifted by the lovely spiderpunkss on twitter!!



That’s like, both 'Waiter, My Spaghetti is Cold!' and 'Trials of the Betwixt' combined- and doubled! I honestly can't even begin to thank you all enough. I’m so glad that Shavil and his story resonated with so many people!! 

。゚( ゚^∀^)゚。❤

** ^^Necromancer and Wizard Cat thank-you illustration!! Yippeeee!! **

First off: I'll try to keep this short. Secondly, I'd like to begin by explaining why it took me so long to release the devlog: after completing 'O'ermorrow', I dove into a new role as an artist in a collaboration with BLANKhouse to release 'That Which Surrounds'

After being a solo dev for a year and a half, it was such an enlightening experience to work with such a passionate team! I've gained a lot more insight into character design, creating assets like pocket watches and painting frames, drawing sprites with more dynamic facial expressions (and learning how to draw mouth flaps!) and tackled CGs, which has been the toughest challenge for me! The experience  has truly made me more confident in time management and in expanding my skills as an artist! So after two months of balancing a job with a game jam I took a much needed break following its release. 

5 months after 'O'ermorrow's release, and now energised, I was motivated by the wonderful feedback I received and rolled up my sleeves: I would incorporate the feedback and present it as the 'Thank You' update! 

Patch notes listed below.

Patch Notes:

- Shavil has been visually updated

- Lip flaps have been added! (his mouth moves lol)

- The background Graveyard has been visually updated

- The script has been lightly tweaked to be more cohesive

- Fireflies have been added!!!!! (personal favourite, I do hope you enjoy watching them)

- Vietnamese translation has been added (thank you Nhung Tran!)

** If you're interested in adding a translation to the game, please feel free to reach out via email. Thank you! **

A special thank you to everyone who took the time to leave ratings and comments, and a huuuuge-super-humongous thanks to those who streamed the game or played it on YouTube! I truly appreciate your support and feedback!!! ❤

PSA- we can read your collection titles (volume 2!)

If you're interested, (volume 1 here)!

'O'ermorrow' has been saved to over 3K+ collections, and there were over 60+ pages of public collection titles! So, before wrapping up, I'd like to take a moment to highlight some of my personal favourites!

** If you'd like me to remove your collection from this list, no worries! Please dm me on any of my socials. Thank you!**

Without further ado, and in no particular order:


There are two (2) wolves inside you:

Not sure what to title this, but

RAHH ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝❤

So... what's next?

Whenever I'm free, I'm planning to implement feedback and what I'd learnt to update 'Waiter my Spaghetti is Cold!'. I'll also look into adding an android version to my games.

And after that?

By the start of 2024, my goal was to release a game that wasn't bound by the time constraints of a game jam. However, I ended up developing 'O'ermorrow' for the O2A2 Jam and collaborated with BLANKhouse as an artist to release 'That Which Surrounds' for the Monstrous Desires Jam. So for 2025, perhaps I could release a demo that could push my skills even further?

As of right now, it seems most would prefer to see more of Shavil and his story, and I do have an idea in mind. Perhaps a demo-prologue of sorts to see if it garners interest? But some game jams do look attractive.... AHHHH I SAY THIS EVERY DEVLOG. I have too many ideas to explore, but I'll try to focus on an existing one. Please do let me know if you'd prefer to see the completion of one story over the other, I'm indecisive! And as always, I'm open for feedback!

Thanks again for taking the time to read this, and for the wonderful support! Until next time, dear reader! 

( ´ ω ` )ノ゙


Oermorrow-1.1-linux.tar.bz2 44 MB
81 days ago 56 MB
81 days ago 51 MB
81 days ago Play in browser
81 days ago

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Well deserved! I love all the games you make and can't wait to see what you cook up without the pressure of a jam! Although I think under both circumstances, jam or no jam, you will always make something incredible <3

Thank you Yinny!! (´꒳`)♡